The Power of Women
Informed by current research, the Power of Women Institute offers sessions such as the consequence of voice, microaggressions and stereotype threat designed to tap into the unique power of women purposed to inspire grand ideas and the tools to implement them.
The Power of Women Institute, the first of its kind, focuses on women employed by the Federal government. Hosted by the National Institutes of Health, a series of topics were offered based on current research relevant to women. No individual government agency has executed a women-only institute offering over 35 innovative sessions facilitated by women in higher education, industry, non-profit and government sectors.
Welcoming Session
The Welcoming Session offers a deep-dive into the relevance of Resilience, Compassion and Conviction as necessary qualities of a leader. Featured speakers and expert facilitators introduce to participants how Resilience, Compassion and Conviction are positive emotions that display powerful leadership under trying times.
Plenary Sessions
Plenary Sessions are a blend of inspiring information and motivating insights that will get you excited about being a female professional in the Federal government.
Concurrent Sessions
Concurrent Sessions are informative, data and solution driven and will feature presenters from around the country sharing their expertise in more than 30 topic areas on the specific role and impact of women in the workplace. Hand-selected to ensure the best in professional learning, the Power of Women (POW) Institute Concurrent Sessions are designed to transform the way you perform. Bring your favorite note-taking tools because you’ll want to try all of these ideas when you get back to the office.
Track 1 - Bold and Courageous Leadership: The Time Is Now
Session Topics
Redefining Women’s Power for Women’s Success (Current & Future Executives)
- The Whole Self and Nothing but the Whole Self
- Leadership in the Interest of the People
- People, Conversations and Change
- The T.I.M.E is Now for Success
Track 2 - "Pivoting:" A Requirement for Wise Leadership
Session Topics
Backwards in Heels (Current & Future Executives)
- The Power of Women in Government: Connecting Purpose and Performance
- Manager Driven Change: Unconscious Bias Revisited
- Moving Women Forward Faster
- Leveraging Multi-generations in the Workplace
Track 3 - Powering Your Career by Powering Your Knowledge
Session Topics
In God We Trust: the Impact of Religious Bias in Government (Current & Future Executives)
- The Importance of EEO Complaints in Developing Sustainable Inclusion
- Managing Microaggressions at Work
- The Consequences of Voice
- Stereotype Threat: A Barrier to Leadership Performance
Track 4 - Encourage, Express and Exhibit: The Key Elements of Innovative Leadership
Session Topics
Moving Women Forward Faster (Current & Future Executives)
- Storytelling: Giving Voice to Your Legacy
- Women in STEM: A Roadmap for Success and Sustainability
- Developing Strategic Alliances and Identity for Impact
Track 5 - Amazing Solutions to Better Service
Session Topics
Backwards in Heels
- How to Deal with Diversity Fatigue
- Supporting Persons with Disabilities in the Workplace – The Why is Good but the How is Better
- Juggling Work and Caregiving
- Men as Allies for Women in the Workplace